Saturday, December 19, 2009

Experience: The guiding light of our lives

IN THIS age of machine, one runs for wealth, for work to sustain life and to live with pride. Within such a lifestyle, one has no time to pause and ponder on what he has gained or lost. Today’s hectic schedule has made one forget what he lives for? Is it the pride or the money? Whatever the answer is, one thing is for sure, no one can deny that what he learns from experience cannot be measured with money or wealth.
Experience is one of its kinds. Nobody can overlook what he experiences in his life. An experience can be good or bad. A good experience teaches us a lot but we learn lot more from the ones which are bad. The art of life is to learn from the bad experiences. Usually the bad experiences are considered to be the lanterns to light one’s life. We should always learn good lessons from our experiences.
At any stage of life, whether it’s during childhood, at school, college or office; we experience one or the other kind of experiences. When in childhood, a child begins to ride his bicycle he falters and falls, but he gets up, repeats his attempts and moves on. He does this till he experiences the different ways, which could make him fall.
What I learnt from my personal experience was that I thought being in college life is easy and smooth. With dreams full of faith to be a journalist, I walked the college gates with pride. I thought life to be as simple as in school. I made friends with everybody. During the first year, I had good rapport with each and everyone. The first year being a simple one, with just print media teaching (there was not much of practical then). But, now it’s the second year and I see what my parents had taught me since childhood. There is nobody who is born for you except your parents.
Not a single person would experience your loss, as your parents would do!
Today, I see the real colors of those people who used sugar quoted words and swore to be my friends in bad times. Now, I see a lot of politics around me. I being simple and innocent was naive to understand the crooked ways of this world and I often ask myself why I am like this? Why am I not as smart as others? Why don’t I take advantage of half an opportunity and grab it like others, forgetting all friendships?

But now after thinking for long and analysing, I think these are what we call challenges in life. These are the experiences from which we learn. Being with the same people, talking and laughing, I have my mind working for me. Now, I want to be all the more better as a person than just being a good journalist.


  1. Here i wld like to appreciate ur courage 2 share ur personal experiences vth d it seems 2b easy bt it is actually not...Ur first column is SUPERB!!!! Bt wat i hv liked d most is ur intro column as u hv wrote smethn i always felt...!!! KEEP GOING......GR8 WORK:)

  2. U r the World..Be the Change u want to see ! god bless...U cant be like others coz u are SPECIAL!
