Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Love and Beyond - The feeling of being married!

The beauty of every relationship is not just limited to being together, it is beyond! Everything said and understood about the horror of being married, its time to accept the fact that marriages are beautiful abstracts that hold love, bond, responsibilities, acknowledgements and much more. A beautiful string of events that is important at every point in time.

You agree? Read on if you think you and I share mutual feelings...

  • Each morning is not just another morning - Married recently or it's been 50 years since you have been married, waking up next to the person you value the most is the most amazing feeling ever. That one morning kiss that says it all is enough to make the day. The day you wake up alone when he is out, it is an incomplete day for sure. Isn't it?

  • The too good breakfast together - The point in time when there is emergency at home of getting ready and making breakfast, packing lunch and plating the breakfast and then he comes in between and holds you tight and that second of time when you and him are close enough that time stands still, nothing beyond can relax you! The super husband comes to your rescue then helping you doing little he can to make you feel complete!

  • The Wait to be home - Do you feel that pain in the heart that pinches too hard to get up from the office seat and leave the damn office! It is how you want yourself to be home - your home and cook for the important people in your life. Office hours kill me, mutual feeling with you? 

  • Being back home all energetic - Feeling super woman inside who is independent and self sufficient goes home, works all day but then still magically has all powers to stand in kitchen and cook for a good amount of time. All this to see a smile on his face!

  • Those moments after dinner - A good sleep with him is enough you can long and ask for! 
Have moments to share? Let me know in the comment box! Love and Happiness... 
